Easter is certainly a colourful and buoyant time of the year for most retailers as the shoppers will be out and about with the warmer Spring weather. This is an opportunity you can to your advantage. Even if your merchandise is not directly related to the usual Easter goods, you can still use your shop window to your advantage and draw in some Easter shoppers. If you are planning to catch the attention of Easter shoppers, here are a few interesting ideas for your shop window dressing.
Pastels colours rule
Everybody associated the pastel colours with Easter. Pinks, light blues, greens and yellows remind us of Easter and the new life of spring. You can easily create an Easter feel in your shop front by using plenty of these pastel colours in your window display. First of all, get some ribbon and tissue paper in a range of pastel colours and use them to line the floor and back wall of your window. Next, you can place some of your merchandise in the foreground in strategically.
Eggs, eggs, eggs
Eggs are probably the single biggest symbol of Easter, and they can be a fun decoration to incorporate into your shop window display. You can pick up a few colourful Easter eggs and place them among the goods you are showcasing on your display tables and wall racks in your front window. In addition to the eggs, you can reinforce the Easter theme by purchasing a few stuffed chicks or baby rabbits as these animals are also associated with the holiday.
A spring in your step
If you are looking for a window display that you can leave up long after Easter has gone, then you may want to consider going for a more toned-down spring theme. One of the most exciting things about Easter is that it is the messenger of the new, warm season. So you can capitalise on the Spring theme by making an outdoors scene in your front window. You can make use of fake grass or gift wrap on the floor of the display. You can incorporate flowers, kites, bouquets of flowers or anything else you sell that reminds you of what makes spring such a fabulous season.
Needless to say that if these windows are not implemented in a coordinated way, they can look very tacky and cheap. As a result, they could actually put people off coming into your shop. If you would like some professional advice in shop window dressing, or if you are looking for a visual merchandising company, please contact VM Design at http://www.vmdesign.me.uk.
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